Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jam Night

Charles, Eddie (great guy), Me, Devin, Jim
Once again we rocked it at jam night! It was a great time. We played Pride and Joy, Hey Joe, and Key to the Highway. I am very fortunate to have a great bunch of guys to play music with. And even more fortunate to be sharing it with my son.

We made a good showing and it was a lot of fun. We had a great buy, Eddie, stand in for Matt on drums.

The great thing about the jam is that if you can get into the flow then the rest of the world doesn't even matter. It is hard to get there when you have butterflies. By the time you get to the flow the whole thing is over.

We met some great guys from Issaquah. The Road Dogz told us about another jam that is out in Fall City on Sunday nights from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Good hours for a Sunday.

Thankfully I was able to convince my co-workers that I would be no good to them after a night of music and frivolity. I am barely capable on a good day!

Our manager Sandi
I want to thank Devin, Charles, Jim and Eddie for making my day. You guys rock! Also a big thanks to our manager. It helps to have a sexy manager inspiring you.

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