Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting the right tone

It is the tone of a great guitar player that sets them apart. If you hear a few notes of Led Zepplin you now instantly it is Jimmy Page. That tone is so sweet and so distinctive.

Finished SD-808 Mod
I have modded my own BOSS SD-1 in an attempt to get to the distinctive tone I am seeking. I could have purchased a boutique pedal. I could have purchased an already modded SD-1. But like a Jedi Knight I decided to build my own "light saber".

I had a great time doing this and a few very nervous moments as well. I purchased a mod kit from Monte Allums Mods. It was the SD-808 Mod Plus. The kit cost me 21.99 plus shipping. It was shipped right away and came with great directions.

Now I have to use the pedal in battle. I am going to pit it against my sons TS-9 AnalogMan Silver Mod. It is a great pedal and I don't expect him to admit defeat.

I am going to build a vintage treble booster from scratch next. I have ordered the parts and I am now waiting. This is a pedal based on the Dallas Rangemaster. It should sound great with my Epiphone Dot. I have two Lindy Frahlin PAFs in it.

I recommend modding your own pedal if you have the expertise. Even a little experience with a solder iron will be enough. Then you will have a one of a kind pedal and a one of a kind tone.

1 comment:

txwylde said...

Should have bought you the Bryan Wampler's pedal mod book. The price for the "mods" are a little overpriced.. you could have probably paid $20 for all the parts for at least 5 pedal mods. :)